• What is RGYM online school?

    RGYM online school is an open-minded, innovative learning concept offering educational courses in Rhythmic Gymnastics.

  • For who is RGYM online school?

    For gymnasts, coaches, choreographers, dance teachers, P.E. teachers/educators that introduce RG in their education institutions and clubs, for parents of gymnasts.

  • What do we provide @ RGYM online School?

    Instructors provide comprehensive courses, classes, consultations or masterclasses oriented by age, level, subject.

  • How classes are composed?

    RGYM online school guiding principles are: INSPIRE, INSTRUCT, IMPROVE. Classes include : videos, illustrated guides, text guides,Q&A, assignments.

  • Who are the instructors?

    Our instructors team composed of qualified coaches, choreographers, and experienced professionals working in RG field, sharing their know-how on RGYM online school platform.